New: Stop the Spin Cycle of Stress 5 Day Transformation


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In just 10 minutes a day you’ll discover how to instantly turn stress into productive, creative energy and recharge your body, mind and soul! And we’ll have lots of fun!

WHEN? TUESDAY JUNE 6- SATURDAY JUNE 8 LIVE 11 AM pacific (10 minute presentation + if you have time to stay on longer for Q& A )

(Can’t join us then? No problem! You’ll have access to all the recordings for a full week.)

DAY ONE: June 6 ~ GOOD NEWS ABOUT STRESS - 5 ways stress can help you - when you have the right skills and strategies! PLUS The #1 INNER TOOL you need to activate to turn stress into energy you can use to reach your goals and dreams.

DAY TWO: June 7 ~ 3 STEPS TO BODY-MIND BRILLIANCE - Discover how to rely on your natural body-mind brilliance to release stuck stress hormones and to turn on your creative vitality.

DAY THREE: JUNE 8 ~ REWRITE YOUR STRESS STORY - 3 things you say to yourself that make you feel more anxious, worried and stressed - and what to say instead.

DAY FOUR: JUNE 9 IDENTIFY the "STRESS GREMLINS" that snare you into the Spin Cycle Of Stress AND the "INNER MAGICAL ELIXIR" you can activate to break their spells.

DAY FIVE: JUNE 10 SOAR with YOUR SUPPORT TRIAD - Discover how to tap into 3 sources of strength and guidance so you can shift out of the gotta-figure-it-all-out-and-do-it-all-by yourself mode!

BONUS #1: Live Q&A and LASER COACHING with Lea. Stay on after each day's presentation to ask your questions and get specific support for what’s happening for you today.

BONUS #2: Unlimited Access to all the recordings for a full Week after LIVE 5-Day Transformation.

JOIN Us Now!!