He survived by powering through.

A few years ago a friend of mine got caught in a sudden, blinding snowstorm.

Carrying a heavy backpack, he was hiking into a cabin on a small unmarked trail. Alone. In the wilderness. No cell phone reception. Nightfall was approaching.

For the next two hours he pushed and pushed more and powered his way through until finally, in the dark, he reached the cabin.

This kind of short term emergency survival situation is perfect for rallying the Push More -Power Through Mode.

It was smart of him to override his body's signals of being tired or hungry or in pain.

It was smart of him not to sit down in the snow and gaze in wonderment at the beautiful white trees.

He survived because as soon as he realized the danger, his inner emergency response system went into high gear.

That mobilized his stress hormones and made him super-strong and super-focused on a very specific goal: getting to the cabin alive.

When he reached his cabin, he collapsed, ate a little, drank some water and slept all night and most of the next day.

He woke up feeling very grateful, exhausted, depleted and very, very sore.

Pushing and powering through is a brilliant response your nervous system can quickly mobilize when it perceives serious danger. It is the perfect response for very specific and very rare situations. Like running from a tiger or making it through a storm to safety. It is meant to be activated for a short period, followed by deep, complete rest to replenish your inner reserves.

It is not meant to be used constantly or to achieve long term success.

Constant pushing and powering through is not sustainable. It leads to burnout and exhaustion and has toxic effects on your health, your happiness and your relationships. It is not a good strategy for running a business, raising a family, creating loving relationships or going after your biggest goals and dreams.

And yet this Push More - Power Through Mode is so common in our culture that most of us over-rely on it. We often rally it as it as our #1 way of getting things done.

There is a more enjoyable, and more productive way! Get into your Creative Flow and create like the miracle maker you really are!

CLICK HERE NOW to get my FREE Report: The Miracle Maker’s Quick Shift Formula: 5 Simple Steps to get out of the Push More - Power Through Mode and get into your Creative Flow!

Related post: Read about my client who succeeded her whole life by pushing herself and then began longing for another way…

“My whole life I succeeded by pushing myself.” And then…

In her first coaching session, my client who owns a successful consulting business, told me she had succeeded though her whole life by pushing herself. She pushed to get great grades in high school, college and grad school, pushed to build and grow her business, pushed herself at the gym to stay the perfect weight and to keep up with guys 20 years younger. In every part of her life she worked hard and rarely let up. It began to take a toll. When she came to me about coaching, she realized this constant pushing just wasn’t working any more. It was taking a toll on her health, her love life, all of her relationships, her happiness and sometimes she wanted to quit her business altogether.

“I used to accept that pushing hard was normal. I thought that's what I had to do to be my best. But lately I’ve gotten so tired of it and I keep thinking there must be a better way.”

After a few weeks of working together she told me, “I’m letting go of that constant pushing and I now have a sense of working with flow and ease and joy. It’s such a relief and it feels so good! And I can’t believe how much more I am getting done with way less effort. What i am learning from working you feels like magic!”

My client, like most of us who have big dreams for ourselves and the world, had been taught that pushing was the best way to grow into her potential and to achieve her dreams

She was in what I call the Push More - Power Through Mode. Although she got lots of approval for it, and she didn’t know an alternative, she was so wise to realize that something was out of balance, and that if she was going to take her business and her life to the next level she really want- if she was goin g to scale up- she needed a new way,

How wise she was to get support before she pushed herself into a breakdown or illness (like i had in my early 30’s!) .

Next: When does the Push More Power-Through Mode work and when is it toxic? Read the post: He survived by powering through.